King Soft Cleaning Chemicals and Detergents is a leading producer, wholesaler and retailer of quality cleaning chemicals.
The factory shop offers the public to buy these quality products at rock bottom prices. These cleaning chemicals and detergents are mostly sold in 5 litre plastic containers and are of a very high quality. There are also 26 litre detergents in a limited range. Bulk washing powders are also available for auto and hand wash.
Prices are way lower than any normal supermarket would sell these at.
Thousands of people buy bulk cleaning chemicals here every month and resell them at a good profit. Bulk deals start at more than 5 of the same item. This shop is resellers heaven.
Many people countrywide contact the shop to place their orders and then arrange for their own couriers to collect. The shop encourages shoppers from all over South Africa to place orders and then have their own couriers collect.
The product range is vast and includes:
Air Freshener
All Purpose Cleaner
Bleach Thick
Bubble Bath
Car Wash and Wax
Cherry Sanitiser
Dettol Kleen
Dish Washing Liquid Regular
Dish Washing Liquid Super
Fabric Softener (All Fragrances)
Floor Polish
Floor, Wall And Tile Clean
Hand Soap
Handi Kleen
Jeyes Fluid
Laundry Liquid
Lavender Sanitiser
Pine Gel
Pine Yello
Taxi Shine
Thick Bleach
Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Vanish Spot Remover
Washing Powder Bag Auto
Washing Powder Bag Handwash
Washing Powder Bucket Auto
Washing Powder Bucket Hand
Windows Clean
Plus many more
This shop is nothing fancy - it does its job perfectly by simply selling a wide range of quality cleaning chemicals, detergents and washing powders at the lowest prices possible. A money saving heaven for all home users and for resellers.