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Newsletter No 86 - June 2017

Welcome to the June 2017 Factory Shopping newsletter.

2017 is proving to be another tough year for all South Africans on the economic front and shoppers across South Africa are more than ever looking for ways to save their precious, hard earned money and to find specials and bargains. Fortunately, the many factory shops situated across South Africa are as always offering goods of great quality at unbeatable prices.

Many thanks to the over 55 000 subscribers to this monthly newsletter - your support and interest is truly appreciated.

Save your precious, hard earned money at

Where Every Day's a Black Friday



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  • Ask for and receive shopping info from other members of the group;
  • Keep up to date with the latest shopping news, sales and specials;
  • Contribute to discussions and air your views;
  • Plus much more.
  • Huge thanks to the over 191 000 people that have joined this Facebook group and made it into the biggest and busiest Southern African Shopping Facebook group.

We appreciate and look forward to hearing from you. If you have any suggestions, complaints or compliments re this portal, please feel free to contact us at info@safactoryshops.co.za.

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Remember to visit www.safactoryshops.co.za regularly to stay up to date with more special offers, sales, etc!

© Blaauwberg Online | 38 Brander Avenue, Bloubergrant, 7441, South Africa

Tel: +27 (0)21 556  1141 | info@safactoryshops.co.za